Tuesday, September 23, 2014


#  1  > If I were to be asked, "What kind of a church are you?" I would not hesitate to reply, "We are a Baptist church." We hold to those truths which have sometimes been referred to as "Baptist Distinctives."
I would also reply that we are a "Reformed Church" inasmuch as we hold to the great doctrines of the Reformation in the areas concerning the salvation of men. In this sense, I am not at all averse to our church being referred to as a "Reformed Baptist Church," and I want to speak on the subject "What is a Reformed Baptist Church?" 

#  2  > First of all, a Reformed Baptist Church is a local church which acknowledge the supreme authority of Holy Scripture. In all matters of faith, that is in the things we believe, and of practice, that is in the things which we do, our sole authority is the Word of God. If something, whether of faith or of practice, is contrary to the Bible then no matter who pleads for it, no matter what clever arguments are produced in favour of it, we cannot endores it.

#  3  > We recognize that in the operation of a local church there may be items introduced for which there may be no specific Biblical warrant; for instance, I am thinking of a church secretary as an illustration. It would be hard to find chapter and verse which states that we ought to have one, but we recognize that such things are necessary, and in accordance with the biblical principle that all things should be done decently and in order.

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